New Python Commands in Minecraft EDU

Big news on the coding front with the Minecrft EDU GOAT update. There are new player commands in Python Notebooks! One new command is player.ability, seen here:


Coding in Python in Minecraft with GrandmaDeb

This command allows us to set worldbuilder status to true or false with a command in Python Notebeooks. Previously, it was necessary to set worldbuilder in chat, and then run code to do things like lay border blocks with the agent. Now you have the convenience of setting these in your Python code. You may also set mayfly and mute abilities to true or false. World builder might need to be set to true so the agent can set border blocks or deny blocks. A player might need to be given the ability to fly in a certain part of your world, but not in others. So useful!

Two other great new commands are clear_inventory and look_at … The new command player.clear_inventory() clears all inventory in player’s hotbar, storage and the armor slots. This can help control what assets a player has for different parts of a world experience. When writing code, many commands depend on the direction the player is facing. Being able to direct the player to face a certain direction is so helpful! I have definitely been waiting for player.look_at ! It works with either relative or absolute coordinates, and works like a turn command, turning your player to face in a direction..


player.look_at(“~12 ~ ~-12”)

To see the new Minecraft EDU GOAT update Python commands for the Agent, check this out:

More commands to come!

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