Choose Minecraft Education for Python – Get Set Up

It takes just a few steps to set up your coding window so that you are ready to begin high-level programming in the fast-growing and versatile programming language, Python. Minecraft Education Edition offers an engaging platform for learners to begin a Python journey.

Look in the upper right corner of code builder to reset, if you have used MakeCode Block-based coding in the past.
Reset your coding window if you have been using MakeCode block based coding.
The middle row is the Notebooks code editor in Minecraft Education edition's coding window.
Select the Notebooks code editor.
Don't worry about this warning unless you in the middle of typing in nother window.
Unless you were in the middle of writing in MakeCode, you can ignore this warning.
Your Notebooks interface lets you begin a new project, or start a tutorial.
Write your own code in the (Plus Sign) New Project area, or take a tutorial.
Sometimes projects save, but be safe and save every time manually (copy pasta!)
Currently, you have to manually save your projects, but updates are expected soon!
Your coding window has example code and a workspace below. Enjoy!

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